Antisana Volcano

A morning departure from Quito, we will drive southeast for an hour, passing by several farming towns arriving at the Antisana Ecological Reserve.

Our first stop will be at the Condor view point to look for the largest vulture in the world. This reserve has 4 different cliffs in which up to 30 Andean condors nest. We will continue the visit to the reserve where we will enjoy the stunning surrounding landscape of the snow-covered top of Antisana Volcano that is located at 18,886 ft.

In the reserve we will see many different species of birds among them the Ecuadorian Hillstar, Stout-billed Cinclodes, Carunculated Caracaras, Andean Gulls and Andean Lapwings. On arrival at the Mica lagoon, we will hike around the moorland and the side of the lagoon located on the slopes of Antisana.

After lunch in a local restaurant we will have the chance to watch many hummingbirds and take a short walk by the nearest river to admire the amazing volcanic formations.

The group will return to Quito in the afternoon.

Tour Includes:

Professional private guide

Private transportation

Entrances and fees


Pricing for the Volcano Tour:

From £165 / $210 per person based on 2 people.

From £130 / $165 per person based on 4 people.

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