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Island Spotlight: Isla Bartolomé

Bartolomé is one of my favourite islands to visit when in the Galápagos. It’s a must see stop for cruise ships as well as a popular day trip from Santa Cruz due it’s close location. (It’s only about an hour by boat.) Despite being relatively small in size it has one of the most iconic views in the Galápagos. The volcanic rock makes it feel like you are walking on the moon rather than an island in the Pacific.



There is a path from the jetty (dry landing) that leads you up 114m to the summit of the island and stunning panoramic views. A must see view point for photographers and worth the effort. I like to pretend my breathlessness is from the view rather than the steps! The walk up takes about half an hour, but you can take it slow and there is plenty of opportunity to stop and admire the landscape. Don’t forget your sunscreen and water, as well as your camera. I have visited several times and I love the way the light changes the atmosphere depending on the time of day. In the morning with bright sun and blue skies you get a clear view out, but it feels very different in late afternoon, when the sun is starting to set turning the landscape red. The windy, winding path has been covered with a wooden boardwalk and steps to assist tourists to the top and prevent erosion. Leading you across the bare volcanic landscape, on the way to the top you can seem remnants of lava tunnels.

The island can also be accessed from a sandy beach (wet landing) in a small cove. This is a great place to grab your snorkelling gear and if you are lucky swim with penguins. The Galápagos penguins are small in comparison to their more southerly cousins, usually only about 30cm in height, but don’t let their small stature fool you, once in the water they are super speedy! In the water here you are also likely to find turtles and lots of brightly coloured tropical fish.



If your aim is to photograph the penguins then the best way is to take a panga ride around to Pinnacle Rock where you will often find them sitting on the rocks and you can get within a few metres. This is the most accessible place in the Galápagos to see the penguin with other colonies located further out on the west of Isla Isabela.

All in all a lovely way to spend a day with awe inspiring views and beautiful sea life, photographers and nature lovers will love it here!